The desire for change led Hakan to T-Systems. It's a place where security, fairness, and development intersect with diversity, flexibility, and a passion for technology. Here, he found what he was looking for: teamwork, SAP expertise, and space for his creativity.

How did you end up at T-Systems?
Hakan: Sometimes in life you feel the urge to change. After many years with my previous employer, I was ready for a new challenge. Of course, I was aware that I couldn't just put aside my years of experience - the change had to be well thought out.
I had the wish to work in a large company with an established employee culture once again. Job security, fair treatment, and adequate compensation were of great importance to me. At the same time, I also wanted diversity, opportunities for further development, flexibility in my work arrangements, and opportunities for advancement. Work-life balance was also crucial to me. Based on my previous experiences, I wanted the freedom to occasionally say "no," and I wanted my creative ideas to have a chance for implementation. Of course, as someone passionate about technology, it was also important to me that the technical equipment was up to standard... Well, I certainly had a long list of expectations 😊.
There were many job offers on the internet, but when I came across the job posting from T-Systems, I could immediately connect many of my wishes and requirements to it. In the personal interviews after my application, I was able to clarify the rest and realize that it was the perfect opportunity for me.
And what makes T-Systems special for you?
Hakan: At T-Systems, I was awaited by many customers with a wide range of requirements, an experienced team that I could rely on, and the opportunity to get certified in the field of SAP. I was particularly impressed that my team lead took my concerns into consideration and asked me again and again if everything was okay for me. In short, I had found what I was looking for.
How do you become an SAP expert?
Hakan: How did I come to SAP? How could this happen? 🤔 During my time at my previous employer, I was part of the team at an SAP rollout. During that time, I was able to grow beyond myself. I did not only manage my own module, but also other modules beyond the interfaces. This gave me the chance to be selected as an SAP expert for my location after the introduction. Shortly thereafter, I oversaw SAP rollouts in other branches of the company while working on SAP projects for Turkish and European locations in parallel. I found the job as an SAP consultant incredibly interesting. Describing problems and finding solutions in constant exchange with customers and colleagues was enjoyable and consistently challenging. Each problem was different and required an individual approach. Currently, I consult with customers, create concepts, visualize processes, adjust in the system, and, if necessary, oversee new developments for clients.
What should you bring as an SAP consultant?
Hakan: As an SAP consultant, it is crucial to be communicative. Above all, you must listen well and be able to read between the lines 😉 in order to filter out the information that really is necessary. It is important to quickly familiarize yourself with the customer's processes, while the customer already has years of experience with them. I like to be creative, and shortly after I moved to T-Systems, I was given the opportunity to work out an idea in detail as part of an innovation program and present it to internal sponsors. My idea was well received, so I got a budget for it and now, together with colleagues from different fields, I am developing an SAP add-on for the automotive market.
What is your number one tip for today's career starters?
Hakan: For career starters, I have an important piece of advice: Be open to new experiences and challenges. They will help you grow and gain valuable experiences that will help you advance on your career path. Good luck!